Testnet Access Guide

Welcome to the wpUSDT Testnet! This guide will walk you through accessing the wpUSDT Testnet, which is linked to the Sepolia Testnet.

This connection allows us to refine our development process and provides an opportunity for you to be involved with wpUSDT from the early stages. Here’s how you can join the testnet:

1. MetaMask Setup

If you haven’t already, set up your MetaMask wallet by visiting https://metamask.io/.

2. Add the Sepolia Testnet

Click on the Sepolia Stablecoin Faucet at https://faucet.wpusdt.com/. If you haven't added the Sepolia testnet, the wallet will prompt you to either add it or switch to it. Please confirm the action by selecting 'Yes'.

Alternatively, in MetaMask, you can choose the "Add Network" option and enter the details for the Sepolia Testnet. Another method is to add the network through ChainList at https://chainlist.org/chain/11155111.

3. Request Sepolia Testnet ETH

Request Sepolia Testnet ETH through https://www.infura.io/faucet/sepolia or other available faucet services to get started.

4. Request Testnet Stablecoin

Visit https://faucet.wpusdt.com/ to request your Testnet Stablecoin, enabling you to proceed with wrapping it into wpUSDT. This Testnet stablecoin serves as a stand-in for USDT on the Mainnet, specifically within the Testnet environment.

5. Install the wpUSDT Wallet

Download and install the wpUSDT Wallet onto your computer from the link provided below.

6. Change Network to Testnet

Before you create the Seed Phrase jump into the change wallet mode and change it to Testnet.

7. Create Your Wallet & Secure Your Seed Phrase

Follow the instructions to create your wallet, start the daemon (local node) and make sure to securely store your seed phrase.

8. Bridge to the wpUSDT Network

With the wallet installed, and having both Testnet Stablecoin and Testnet ETH, visit https://ui-test.wpusdt.com/ to bridge your Testnet Stablecoin into the wpUSDT Network.

9. Receive Your wpUSDT

You should receive your wpUSDT in your wallet within 5-10 minutes.

Important Note:

If your computer flags the wallet files as a virus, please be assured this is a false positive. The wallet files are similar to those used by the Monero GUI wallet, and further information can be found here: Monero XMR GUI falsely flagged as virus on Windows OS.

Download Link for wpUSDT Wallets:


Linux: "coming soon"

By following these steps, you'll be able to actively participate in the wpUSDT Testnet, experiencing the platform's features ahead of its full launch. Your feedback and participation are invaluable as we continue to improve and develop wpUSDT.

Circulation Supply Testnet API:


Last updated